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Dive into a captivating collection of tales, each uniquely crafted from images shared by my cherished Facebook followers. Here, every image sparks a story, meticulously woven just for its sender. Explore, and let your imagination soar!


His name was Womald Rover and he was a dog who loved to drink tea with his best friend Grover. They were the classiest dressed chaps, probably even fancier than the posh cats who wore the coolest hats of the land.


Adam was a man who was the friendliest pirate of the land. He was like the Robin Hood of the sea if the waters were grass and trees. Sometimes he would dance and sing a song, but only if he were wearing his favorite pair of flip flops thongs. The people would gather from all around, collecting their bodies to create their own makeshift town. Each cheered and clapped their hands as Adam became the one man pirate band. At the end he would bend and take a bow, before driving away on his motorized cloud.


Sif was serious about receiving gifts and being near the people she held dear. She would wiggle, waggle and shout until everybody heard her loud and clear. She was a good dog who ate like a hog, and shook her tail with more enthusiasm than a rolling log. Sif was a good silly dog who was dreamy, delightful and a little less than marginally insightful.


Her nose seemed like she had the sniffles and her chin appeared tired as her head rested against her hands. Though her image was clear many failed to see the speakers inside her ears. She was not sick, having a bad day or even in a state of dismay, because she was actually jamming out to her favorite music throughout the day.


It was a plastic frog named Dog that the cat cuddled with throughout the day. Sure, he smelled like bits of smushed plastic and dusty water guns on display, but this plastic frog was the cat’s best friend and he hoped to spend time with him every which way, until the last of his days.


He was a friendly bird who collected everything cool, from spools of twine to buckets of fuel. He shared stuff with everyone he cared for, even if he had to walk up a million stairs or brave a hot sweltering day. His name was Chappy Cap and he loved to eat snacks, clap his bird hands, and encourage his friends to play in wonderful ways.


He was a man of much wisdom, and he wore a mighty beard. He was known as the King of Winston and anyone who ever faced him, knew what to fear. He carried with him a fancy hat, that he often filled with snacks, sometimes he had so many treats he tapped them to his feet. He carried with him more sweet things to eat than you could find in any store, and this is one of the many things about him that his vassals adored. So, what then was there to fear meeting this magnificent man with the mighty beard? He was the host with the most, and he always took time to share, this is why the haters who faced him were always so scared.


She had a wispy radiance that could be mistaken for bleakness, but her silvery sheen was an indication of her sweetness. She was bold and beautiful and lived the life of thousands of souls. Though shrouded in darkness, her tenebrous shadows were sacred and divine. They were tools to help her catch the radiant light of life, so she could infuse that essence into those who needed it most. It was her sacred purpose to help wayward spirits achieve their goals, and it was the one thing that fulfilled her the most.


The radiant light of life encircled the brilliance of her beauty, smile and divine delightfulness. Like glowing butterflies of the night her joy danced inside her eyes as she lovingly held her child. It was marvelous beyond imagination, a sight that was truly inspiring, and a reminder of why every second of existence is sacred.


Those who gazed upon her outward sheen saw a woman who was a rolling storm of thunder and lightning. Her eyes beamed with the magnificence of might and magic and she was ready to take on any extreme. She was powerful and purposeful, and capable of succeeding at anything.
She was a serious lady, but she also knew how to breathe, how to melt into the scene and live delightfully serene and free. She was a goddess of the storms and lightning, but also of the seas, and the feeder of all the plants and things.
In the absence of a storm she was calm and collected, though sometimes light and wild as a sprite. When she played she unfurled her curls to encourage the world to rest and replenish. She was a warrior poet, a lover of life, and a defender who fought to protect the people she adored from strife.


They had traveled across the vast desert of delicious treats and the two of them had just filled their tummies with scrumptious bits and things.


“She is so magical” many would whisper under their breath, as they watched her float through life like a fairy princess in the night. She seemed to bounce through the challenges of existence so gracefully. It was as if she were naturally imbued with the presence of peace, resolve and calm.
She was majestic and marvelous and a gift to those who met her, but she was not imbued with serenity. It was not a gift simply bestowed upon her; it was a choice. She chose to live a higher life, one that took in the good with the bad. She accepted all the sadness and wrapped it up in every ounce of happiness, by loving every moment equally.
To her every second was like a child and she wanted to nurture and love it with all of her heart. This is why people believed she was a fairy princess. She wasn’t heavy with hurt, she refused to drown in the sorrow of sadness, and lived with hope, love, and harmony.


She was surrounded by golden treasures inlaid with happiness and grace. The day was delightful and so she stood triumphantly with a smile on her face.
Her inner essence was beaming at this moment, because she knew her inner insides would be loved on with wonderful words. She knew it was safe to be seen, to allow her spirit to breathe, and play like a child well into the night.
As she stood peacefully before the reflection of her own existence, she closed her eyes with a silent stillness before slowly opening them. It was the moment of truth that on the inside she always knew. Her lips began to quietly speak, but with each word they grew stronger and more certain.
She spoke to the wonderful woman in the reflection. “You are infinitely beautiful. Infinitely awe-inspiring and magnificent beyond imagination. You will overcome every hardship, hurt and horror that has, and will ever try to haunt you. You can be as humble and heavenly as serenity can be. You can love and be loved. You can give freely and receive freely. You can be soft and gentle, nurturing, and malleable as clay. You will have everything you have ever needed and feel safe enough to play because you will be surrounded by love every day.”
She paused, gently smiled with a soft breath and admired her tears of truth.


She was a pillar of divine tranquility and her presence called down a light from the heavens above. “It is a miracle” some whispered in hushed tones as they were awed by the significance of the second.
Many wondered if she was a goddess or an angel sent down by the Father above; but she was not a goddess, or an angel. She was made of mortal flesh and clay, sculpted by the hands of the infinite creator.
It was a moment of magnificence and truth. A second intended to reveal how our eyes often stare longingly, hoping to feel the infinite love of divinity. It was a reminder that we are surrounded by miracles in every moment of every day. It was a message telling us that the divine blue print is already in front of our eyes. All we have to do is open them and admire the infinite beauty of every second.


His name was Wadwerntha. He was a wicker golem made by Bran Wruntha of Tappledad, in the Nation of Brass. Early in his life he was a little creature comfort for the nobbles who used his back as a footrest, or a space to place their glasses and snacks.
As a sentient magical creature, he was not content with his existence as a simple tool; so, one day he played it cool by stepping outside in a breezy storm. With a flash of lightning and a big wind he was whisked away into a spiraling spin. He watched the world go round-and-round, sometimes he was even flipped upside down. He was carried away-and-away until he was gently placed down in a safe new place. From this space he found his way, adventuring as a hero, always fighting to save the day.


Destiny had always dreamed of singing to the gnomes. Something inside her heart knew their spirit was her ideal home. They were always so warm and wonderful, and as silly as silly could be.

She stepped onto the stage and raised her lute, nervously clutching it like her hand was glued to it with gummy glue. She reassured herself with thoughts and things, until she felt a sweet whisper from her spirit, telling her she was ready to sing.

Destiny glanced at the mirror to gleefully admire the hat she wore this evening. It was the fanciest snack cap she ever did see. When she bought it, she knew it would be essential for this sort of thing. It was going to help her pack as many laughs as she could into each gnome’s smile sack; so, when they went home, they would long to once again hear her songs.

She thought for a moment about what she was about to sing. There was a song she wanted to speak; it might have had something to do with how the birds built houses inside the trees. But then she thought about the bees, they also lived on the branches and did certain fancy things. As her lips parted to utter her first note she noticed someone begin to emote. She turned her eyes and realized it was Wimbledon Bottom, he was the boy who loved to carry lots of locks on him.

He raised his hand feebly because of the weight of the locks that weighed him down, meekly he made a request of the band. “Would you sing a song about beans and the substance people call cheese?”

She thought for a moment and quietly squealed. Something encouraged her to hope he had misspoken. She knew this song like the back of her hand, but she wasn’t sure if her heart was ready to kick that can.

She looked at him with his puppy dog eyes and her heart was melted by his childlike mind. That was when she decided to sing him a song about beans and the substance people called cheese.

As she uttered her first note she could feel her personal power emote. The fire of her hair burned brilliantly and brightly as the energy of her essence filled the air. As she sang she endeared everyone’s hearts and minds, and she noticed she was the sight of every eye. It was a sight that was soothing to even the most weary and worn out mimes, and at the end of her first song she had inspired every gnome to live their greatest and most fruitful life.


“What do you want to know?” Jerica spoke.
The druid admired the sweetness behind her eyes, he could feel the wild energy of her life. As he thought in his pause, a spirit whispered in his ear. It told him she was someone who had known many challenges in her time but remained stalwart and wise enough to know the power of her soul.
Another spirit fluttered by his side and whispered to him more secrets about her life. It told him she had many goals and had the drive to pursue even the ones that seemed impossible.
He thought about what he wanted, and even reflected on why he sought her out. All he knew was when he set eyes on her inside life, he felt awed by her softness and strength. He was impressed by the magic she was able to wield from day to day and knew this was something that was exceptionally great.
He was a wanderer of many worlds, he had seen cosmic things of every subtle and extreme scene, but this was the first time he had witnessed someone embrace the beautiful acceptance of existence.
He knew whatever he had to tell her she already knew that she was stronger than the strongest glue, and wiser than the all-knowing fruit.
She watched him as he thought. The leaves of the trees rustled in the wind. Storm clouds billowed and bulged as rain droplets cried from the sky. The pitter patter of water plopping against each fallen autumn leaf created a soothing sound that was serene.
“I had a dream. In it the world was deeply asleep, like a sorcerer had cast an enchantment on the land. When I woke my heart broke, and I felt alone. Though as a druid I may exist within the split of man and spirit, there is nothing to cherish if the world is without hope and everyone feels alone.”
She waited with patient impatience.
“I want to know if we can be friends, so we can mend the broken branches and heal the hurting souls of all those we know, and those who want to glow.” He looked toward the horizon, a smattering of lights and colorful swirls swept across the sky.
“You glow with a brilliance that can captivate even the most tired eyes, and I believe in this quest it could help heal even the saddest slivers hiding inside anyone’s eyes.”


She stepped beyond the red ropes that were designed to keep people from getting too close. She wanted to rest her hands against the glass that held the ancient sarcophagus.
Pressing her soft fingers against the cool glass she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She dreamed of resting an eternity within one of these things. It was a fantasy of sorts. Sometimes it was when she was happy and surrounded by serene scenes, other moments were seconds of suffering when she lost all hope.
She sighed resting within the tranquil darkness of her closed eyes.
A moment passed and suddenly she saw a light. At first, she thought someone had shined a flashlight toward her eyes. But then it encircled the sight of a beautiful woman. She sauntered with elegant grace and was covered with adornments of an Egyptian queen. The sight was incredible and was more beautiful than anyone she had ever seen.
It was then the queen began to speak. “The most beautiful among us are the ones who embody the ripeness of life. They have tasted the sweet nectar of existence and long to share those sensations with someone special.”
The sight within her closed eyes was too spectacular to ignore, so she chose to listen to the queen more.
“You are a bright and divine life.” The queen admired the innocence of her essence. “There is nothing romantic about this box. It is not the peaceful serenity you seek; I know it is a fantasy, but I assure you it is not fun.”
The queen gently touched her shoulder sending ethereal shivers up her spine. “Life is beautiful and you are adored by more people than you know. Everyone wants to see you glow as bright as the boldest star, because you have one the greatest gifts anyone can have in their heart.”
It was a challenge, enduring these words. She wanted to flee just as equally as she wanted to listen and receive.
“Follow your dreams and trust your heart. Be gentle with yourself and tend to even your tart parts. They are the key to your sweetness, and if you love-on them, you will become the queen you’ve always wanted to be. You will feel free enough to love and be loved. You will cherish your seconds without these fantasies, and you will know complete serenity and peace.” The queen faded away, returning to obscured antiquity, resting within the box beyond the glass.
Slowly she opened her eyes, gazed about the beautiful sights of her life, and smiled.

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