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Dating is more than just avoiding the doldrums of the day, it is more than another form of entertainment, it is the process of finding a certain special someone who completes us.

Discovering this person can be an arduous journey, a spectacular adventure, and everything in-between. The process is worth it, because there are few experiences in life greater than forging a beautiful bond with someone who helps us feel safe, seen, and whole. It feels wonderful having a strong soul in our corner we can trust, rely upon, and help us wade through the challenges of the day. Life shines with delight when we share our time with a special someone who loves to play, laugh, and dance with us in wonderful ways. Yes, dating can be a pain, but if you invest in yourself and others, it will lead to something amazing and great.

Discovering your special someone can take time, and if you begin to experience woeful moments of loneliness, I want you to know you are magnificent, interesting, and unique. There are people around you whose eyes light up with life when they see and greet you. You are beloved more than you know, and I am certain you will soon attract a special someone who encourages your spirit to glow.

Having a relationship with someone and enjoying the amazing perks of being in love usually requires some kind of first date. I find meeting someone in real life, getting to know them a little and asking them out is my preferred method. Online dating feels lifeless, cold, and dehumanizing, I don’t like eating at buffets, and I don’t like seeing people presented in this same way. There is a certain satisfaction when asking or being asked out in real life. It removes that initial awkwardness felt at the start of an online date, because you both already have some level of interest in each other based on a real human interaction.

First dates can be really fun, they can be weird, unfortunate, and amazing. One of my favorite things about a first date is the amount you can learn about someone from an hour or two of interaction. It can show us if our potential partner is capable of holding space, sharing our existence without expectation, and is capable of celebrating their seconds. There are a lot of details we can unearth in a handful of minutes. Are we sharing time with someone who lives with love? Are they bitter, angry, and closed off? Are we occupying our time with someone who is selfish? Do they create avenues to hear about our life, do they hog the ball, do they force us to jump over a chasm to create a conversation? Are they able to dance and play throughout the day? Can they create a space that is fun and playful, do they encourage our insides to smile, are they endearing, delightful and kind?

Dating is more than just avoiding the doldrums of the day, it is more than another form of entertainment, it is the process of finding someone who completes us. It takes time, energy, and emotional investment, but the reward easily outweighs the cost. You will discover your special someone, they will become the light of your life and inspire you to dance and play throughout the day. I know this because you are great in wonderful ways.

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