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Men’s Group

Men need men to understand what it means to be a man. We need mentors, guides and role models to show us how to live our life.

Surround Yourself With Masculine Men

When men gather it is to achieve a goal, to replenish our souls and encourage our brothers to thrive in life. It is more than sitting around in circles sharing our feelings, bitching and complaining. A men’s group is about personal exploration, development and advancement. Each time we meet everyone should be searching for ways to learn and grow. We should be cultivating each other to become stronger, to have greater confidence and to let go of the burdens holding us down. A men’s group is a celebration of masculinity, our divine purpose and God.

We prefer order and peace, but we are capable of acting when required. We love to play games, but we respect the importance of work, study and reflection. We value the importance of our health and wellness, and we know when to rest, relax and replenish.

In the modern era men do not know how to process their feelings, they are unaware of their duty, and they exist in complacent misery. We have been endlessly propagandized, vilified and led down a purposeless path. The modern world has made us fat, lazy and worthless. Our divine purpose has been stripped away, and as a consequence most of us live day to day in the loneliest ways. It doesn’t have to be like this. You can choose your own destiny, take control of your life, and become the man you have always wanted to be.

If you are searching for a new way to live. If you want to learn what it actually means to be a man, be surrounded by people who genuinely care about the community, and want to build a better future, reach out to me. We can sit down, have a cup of coffee and discover if our community is right for you.


Some Discussion Topics

We Must Be Proactive When Holding Each Other Accountable

When men fail to uplift each other and hold one another accountable they allow unacceptable transgressions to occur, and consequently they will be unable to deter predators. A weak group of men will address an important community issue after it has been a long-standing problem, and a weak man will address an issue only after it has directly affected him.

We Must protect the Integrity of our community.

We must actively refrain from maliciously dabbling in the romantic relationships of others. If someone is in a committed relationship it is not your place to break it apart or inject your ideas into the sanctity of their ways. Be good to others so we can easily identify the predators who attempt to take advantage of the people of our community.

Doing Nothing Leads to Nothing.

If we fail to invest in our future, there will be nothing to reap. We must plant the seeds if we seek to have something to harvest, doing nothing leads to nothing. If we want something important, we must work for it. Sometimes we need a few words to remind us we can seize the second, make a decision and take action, because even doing something small is infinitely greater than doing nothing at all.

We Must Live With Love.

Think about the people closest to you. Why are you close to them? Is it because they love you? Do they encourage you to become a better person? Do they make life feel sweet, and wonderful, and delightful in ways that are beyond little treats? Take a moment to search for the truth of those who live their life with you. Are they in harmony with moral law, do they venerate order and truth?